Thursday 22 August 2019

Disney's Monopoly on Movie Industry

Disney's Monopoly on Movie Industry

After the recent acquisition of Fox Studios, Disney now has control of nearly 70% of the movie industry. With the notable exceptions of studios such as Warner Bros and Sony, Disney nearly owns most other movie studios. So what does this mean for the industry as a whole.

With the success of movies such as Endgame and Captain Marvel, Disney is ruling the industry. With movies earning billions and shattering all box office records, it seems everything is going very well for Disney. The same cannot be said for the indie movie industry. While Disney is preaching about progressiveness by just changing the race of already well established characters actual indie movies by the minorities are not getting their due.

In the last few years most of Disney releases has either being part of MCU or has been a live action remake of their animated classics. These movies are earning very well with the box office so Disney will definitely continue this trend, but it is slowly killing the industry. 

While Aladdin has earned billions in the box office the original scriptwriter has not being paid a penny. Similar thing has happened with the Lion King, which has been accused of plagiarizing the Japanese classic Kimba.

Disney is trying hard to please the masses it has slowly destroyed the original folklore, rather then being true to source in terms of adaptation it has completely changed the intent of the original story. The Little Mermaid which is based on a Danish Folklore has been completely changed with no tribute given to Hans Christian Anderson. But at the same time Mulan has been changed to please the Chinese Audience.

Star Wars which was once a torch bearer of science fiction movies has now become a shadow of its former self. With the Disney executives changing everything people loved about that series, just because they wanted to sell toys and merchandise.

If this trend continues in the future there will be no original content left. Out of all the big hits of 2018 only a few were original movies, all other were part of established franchises. 

Having competition is a very important and necessary for the product to be improved. Without any competition Disney will become a monopoly and will produce movies of the same kind. There will be no new and original content and mostly everything will be a sequel and remake. 

Disney will slowly but surely kill the movie industry with its Monopoly over other movie studios.

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