Saturday 12 May 2018

Moffat's Brand Of Feminism

Moffat's Brand Of Feminism-

I am a feminist. It's great to see more female-centric stories in the mainstream media. Even in geek culture, there are now movies which have female heroes, not as eye-candy but as a heavy hitter. 

"Is the future going to be all female?"

What's makes a good, strong female character? Or Better yet, what makes a good, strong character in general?

For me, it would their story, their hopes, ambition, their relationship with their family and their growth as a character.

For Moffat, a strong female character is sassy, knows it all, is very sexy, has sexual tension with the Doctor, know more than him, bosses him around, has a convoluted and messy but not properly explained backstory, with minimal character development.

I just described Amy, River, and Clara. 

Say what you want about Rose being annoying, Martha being a rebound or Donna being too loud, at least they are properly developed characters. We know about their lives, their hopes, and ambitions and even know about their family. They were proper characters, not just plot points. 

Amy and Clara, on the other hand, are basically the same character prototype as discussed earlier. 

Amy starts out as a sassy, loud character who bosses the Doctor around. This is her character. We don't see her relationship with her family or anything. Her dealing with her family and friends is usually left to quick montages, which don't add anything. Her character improved when Rory came aboard, we saw their interactions and her softer side. Even River added to it.

But Clara, on the other hand, has no Rory or River to help her character. Sure there was Danny Pink but he himself was such a dull and weak character. I mean if you had thought Rose/Mickey was bad, Clara/Danny is just on another level of bad.
Clara started as a plot device and then overstayed her welcome. The show focused too much on her and sidelined The Doctor. She didn't have a particular character, sometimes she loved the Doctor while other times she kept bitching about it, Sometimes she was bossy while other times she was a damsel in distress. There wasn't any consistency with her. It's like the writer had no idea what to do with her character. Her emotional death in 'Face Of The Raven' was completely fucked over in 'Hell Bent'.

The only way to describe River Song is Deus Ex Machina. Like that's her only role. Honestly, her knowing more than the Doctor was funny at first but after a while it became annoying. Also, the whole brake thing was stupid. I like her small doses, too much focus on her spoils her.

The only thing I would like to say in the conclusion is that Moffat doesn't know how to write proper female characters. Most of them are mary sues without any depth or faults. They are what the script needs them to be and are nearly perfect. 

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