Wednesday 25 April 2018

My Problems with BBC Sherlock

I love Sherlock both the BBC series, the novels and even Elementary. But I don't think its as perfect as some others claim it to be. Here are some of my problems with BBC Sherlock-

1. Queerbaiting-

Let's start with the main issue-Queerbaiting.
Queerbaiting is the practice to hint at, but then to not actually depict, a same-sex romantic relationship between characters in a work of fiction, mainly in film or television. Johnlock: which is the ship name for John Watson and Sherlock Holmes. Now, I particularly don't mind people shipping them. I can see why fangirls ship them. Both Cumberbatch and Freeman have great chemistry together. My problem isn't with the fangirls it's with the writers who keep baiting them. If you want to turn their chemistry into sexual tension then at least address them being not straight. You can't keep them straight to appease the general audience while trying being homoerotic on the side for the shipping fangirls.

2. Sherlock is sometimes annoying -

I know Sherlock is a 'high functioning sociopath' but sometimes he is really annoying. It's fun to see him correct and deduce other, but too much of that in a single episode gets boring and repetitive. He is supposed to be an eccentric, brilliant genius, not a childish maniac.

3. More grounded plot-

Sherlock is not a superhero, stop treating him like that. His greatest asset is his brain. Stop trying to overdo everything. You already have more than enough material to work with. Why are the writes hell-bent on adding extra things which make no sense and just further complicate the things. The result is the new season. Just pick a story from the novel and add your own contemporary twist to it.

4. Introduction of Moriarty-

I loved Andrew Scott's portrayal of Moriarty. But I think they should have waited for at least two or three seasons for his introduction. It would have better if they used the first two seasons to properly establish all the characters and then bring in the Arc- enemy. Kind off like MCU and Thanos. They could have teasers and easter eggs for him. The impact would've been more

THANK YOU for reading my thoughts. Whether you agree or disagree with my points, write them below in the comments.

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