Wednesday 4 May 2016

Thoughts On:Laurel's death on Arrow.

So, I have finally managed to catch up with Laurel's death on Arrow.

First of all why would you kill off your important female lead.Some may say, that they wanted the shock factor,I for one wasn't shocked but was rather disappointed.

Black Canary in comics vs TV series.

Now, I have to honest here I absolutely hated her in the first few seasons.For me, she was an disgrace to her comic book counterpart.But I think she was definitely developing and growing as a character in this season. She was finally becoming independent and a good fighter.

Many people,especially the non-comic book fans have been complaining that the show is about Green Arrow and not Black Canary.Well Black Canary is the most important character in Green Arrow comics besides Speedy.
My point is just like you cannot have Batman without Catwoman, Joker without Harley Quinn
Catwoman and Batman
(maybe not anymore), you cannot have Arrow without Black Canary, she is the main female lead not Felicity(Oracle ripoff).
Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Felicity, she is a good character but I feel like her romance with Oliver is unnecessary.Instead of an actual serious relationship, a teasing-flirty approach would have been more in character for Oliver.

Laurel dying.
But, all these being said, I sincerely hope that they do not bring her back from the dead.As much as I would love to have Black Canary on the show, it would be an insult to her death.She died an heroic and emotional death while helping others, so bringing her back would be insulting.

P.S on a different note,I think Arrow is bound to get better after this, because let's face it, you cannot fuck up more than this.

What are your thoughts???


  1. U r a asshole
    Who r you to decide Wat should be done
    Because of people like you the show is always ruined
    Stop funking up you bitch

    1. If you didn't want spoilers, you could have told me.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
