Monday 21 March 2016

Theory For A Better Canary Cry

Theory for a better Canary Cry-

For those who don't know, Canary Cry is the the sonic vibrations produced by the Black Canary which can destroy pretty much anything obstructing it.

In the CW Arrow-verse, both the sisters don't actually have the Canary Cry. Sara,the first Black Canary had hand held devices while Laurel the second,has a collar made by Cisco Ramon, from Flash.Although Sara has left to join Rip Hunter as The White Canary, Laurel is still a part of the Arrow team.

However in the New 52 Comics, the Black Canary has the metagene i.e she is a metahuman, which is an important part of the Flash series, considering Barry Allen, the Flash is also a metahuman. Both the teams have worked together, and are very close.So this brings me to my theory for what could have been a better way to introduce Canary Cry in the series.

Theory- Felicity and Barry Allen are very close right?. So Barry could have invited the team for watching the unveil of The Particle Accelerator. And when it malfunctioned Laurel may had been affected by it. Thus, she would have become a metahuman and her Canary Cry could have been easily and smoothly introduced in the series.

P.S Grant Gustin has also revealed that they are following the New 52, so the Black Canary would've been closer to the comics.

What do YOU think of the Black Canary?? Please comment your thoughts.


  1. well its pretty good for a start my friend but i want more information, more links. so cane you do that for me? it was a good one though. keep working onit
