Sunday 3 July 2016

Predictions For Suicide Squad

Being a DC fan from the Batman The Animated series days, I was a bit disappointed with Batman V Superman:Dawn Of Justice. Don't get me wrong,the movie wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.In my review, I had rated it a 3 out of 5, mainly because of Affleck and Gadot.

Suicide Squad

With the recent Blitz trailer, I am even more excited for Suicide Squad.As, 5th  August approaches. 
Here are few of my predictions for the movie-
1. Slipknot will die first- I don't know whether you guys have noticed but, in most of the action sequences Slipknot is missing. Maybe he is the first one to be killed off by Waller, as an example for not following her orders.
Harley Quinn
2.Harley Quinn may betray the squad- One of the main reasons I am saying this is because she is a rather unpredictable character. She is the only one who knows what joker is capable of.If time comes, she may switch sides for a brief time before Joker screws her over and she returns back to the squad.
Batman Vs Joker
3.Batman breaking 'his no kill' rule in BvS will be explained-A lot of DC fans,were very upset to see Batman using arms to kill people.While in comics, Batman uses arms in special circumstances, in the movies nothing was mentioned.I think a Batman Vs Joker face off will shed some light on this matter.

These are a few things that I want to see in the movie-
Assault on Arkham
1.An 'Assault On Arkham' reference- It would make the perfect story for the sequel for the movie and smoothly introduce Riddler in the DCEU. For those who don't know, Batman:Assult on Arkham is an animated movie featuring the squad breaking in Arkham to steal a thumbdrive which is kept in Riddler's cane. I think a subtle credit scene like Nygma fiddling with his cane can easily set up the sequel.
Justice League Dark
2.A Justice League Dark reference/set up- With Enchantress in the movie, magic has been introduced in the DCEU. This could take a step further with the Justice League Dark movie consisting of magicians and sorcerers like Constantine, Zatanna etc. Maybe Waller can send Moore to them, to help her control her powers.

Well, these are my predictions for the movie.The movie looks good so far, but if it fails, DCEU is doomed.
What are your thoughts?? Please comment below.

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